In this guide I will show you how to get Tomorrow Era (TE) units in Industrial Age (INA)! This guide follows my previous guide on getting PME units in INA, so you might be wondering "where's the Contemporary Era (CE) units?". Unfortunately, due to some unavoidable Tech Blockers in the Story Quest, we will be skipping pretty much all of the CE Story Quests.
If you want to see me take all the CE & TE provinces, check out these videos:
In total you will be able to get the following higher age units:
Contemporary Era: None (skipped)
Tomorrow Era: 2 Combat Drones, 2 Anti-Material Snipers, 2 Stealth Tanks, and 1 TE Champion ... and 1 Rogue!.

Table of Contents
Goods Required (excluding technologies)
There is a quest where you need to "negotiate for a sector", but this can be any sector, including sectors from previous age maps. So you do need goods to negotiate 1 sector, but which sector that is is up to you! Other than that, no goods required, though you want to hang on to the TE goods you get for the Future Era map :)
Technologies Required
Techs Required:
This can be any technology. In addition to that, you also need to build various buildings, so you need to make sure to either have researched them or gotten enough from GE, Events, Daily Challenges etc. You should already have all of these researched, but I'll just leave them here anyways :)
Buildings Required:
- Current or Previous Age Production Building(s) (for production quests)
- 8 + 4 of any Current Age Building (decoration for example)
- 1 Current Age Military Buildings
Skipping Contemporary Era
Due to unavoidable Tech Blockers, you have to skip the CE story quest if you want to get TE+ units. Luckily, this is quite easy to do, and you should be fine fighting through the CE map with your PME units. That said, you can fight and/or negotiate as you wish, there are no requirements for how you take the sectors. The only requirement here is to skip Salfah and Suqqah (see image below), that is very important.
Also, while you are going through the CE continent map you shouldn't do any quests. This includes story, side and recurring quests. I don't think you need to 100% adhere to this in regards to recurring quests, but I'm not sure when it's ok to them, so I would play it safe and simply ignore all types of quests while going through CE.

Follow this order, skipping the two provinces marked with red crosses!
Tomorrow Era Continent Map Overview

When it comes to the continent map, you don't really have to follow any specific order, but the one shown above is the one that gets you the TE units quickest. Particularly after the 4th province you will get 2 Combat Drones, which help a lot for the rest of the continent map! You can fight or negotiate as you wish, there are no restrictions there.
You have to acquire all the TE provinces.
Tomorrow Era Story Quests
Below you'll find a list of all the CE & TE story quests in the order you get them if you follow my suggested path on the continent map.
Make sure you do the story quests at the same time you're working on the map, otherwise you are likely to skip some or all of the TE quests.
0) Abort a recurring quest after you have scouted the first TE province. This will trigger the one and only CE Story Quest you will have to complete. Simply spend the FPs and finish the productions. NOT SO FRIENDLY REMINDER TO NOT ABORT "YOUR CHOICE: TRUTH OR DARE?"!!!
Side Quest 1) When triggering the quest above you will also get this side quest. You can decide if you want to complete or abort it.
Side Quest 2) You will also get this side quest, and again you can decide if you want to complete or abort it.
The following quests will be available AFTER you scout Rio Roxo (3 in scout order image).
1) Here we go, the first TE Story Quest! You will get this by aborting a recurring quest after scouting Rio Roxo. NOT SO FRIENDLY REMINDER TO NOT ABORT "YOUR CHOICE: TRUTH OR DARE?"!!!. To complete the quest you can either infiltrate 4 sectors and fight/nego 2, or you can fight/nego all sectors and the quest will auto-complete. I took the entire province here.
2) If you haven't already completed Rio Roxo, fight/nego 2 more sectors of Rio Roxo, and pay the 150k Coins.
3) If you haven't already completed Rio Roxo, fight/nego 1 more sectors of Rio Roxo, and gather the 330k Coins.
3 Side Quest 1) Around this time you will get 2 side quests. This first one is impossible to complete, so you have to abort it.
3 Side Quest 2) The second side quest you can decide if you want to complete or abort, though I strongly recommend completing it for the Surveillance Nexus, it's such a cool trophy to place in your city!
4) If you haven't already completed Rio Roxo, fight/nego the remaining sectors!
5) Scout "Bajatai", the province below Rio Roxo (#4 in scout order image).
6) Either infiltrate 2 sectors and fight/nego 3 sectors of Bajatai, or fight/nego all sectors, which will automatically complete the 1st condition. If you choose to infiltrate I believe you will get the quest
Bad Business before the next quest, but in any case you're neither missing out nor gaining anything by going for one alternative or the other. I took the entire province here.
7) If you haven't already completed Bajatai, fight/nego the remaining sectors and gather 120 goods! Here you get your first TE units, and it's a real gamechanger! You'll find fighting with the Combat Drone much simpler than still using PME units, so the rest of the map will probably be simpler than the previous few provinces :) You can use them for manual fights in GE/GBG, but they're not great for auto-fighting unless enemy has lots of Artillery.
8) Spend & Buy FPs
9) Scout both provinces above Rio Roxo: Sierra Torrido and Santa Nerea (#5 and #6 in scout order image). You can take entire Sierra Torrido while scouting Santa Nerea if you want.
10) Fight/Nego 1 sector of each of the provinces you just scouted. If you have already taken Sierra Torrido that part will auto-complete.
11) Fight/Nego 2 sectors of each of the provinces you just scouted. If you have already taken Sierra Torrido that part will auto-complete.
12) Fight/Nego 4 sectors of each of the provinces you just scouted. If you have already taken Sierra Torrido that part will auto-complete.
13) Fight/Nego the remaining sectors of Sierra Torrido or Santa Nerea. If you have already acquired Sierra Torrido this quest will auto-complete. At this point you don't technically need to take more sectors of Santa Nerea, but you need to take the full province at some point to complete all TE story quests anyways, so you might as well do it now :)
14) Recruit 1 current age or 3 previous age units, for example through GE/GBG/PVP, or military/special building. Build a military building from your age, you should already have unlocked a technology for that, and you don't want to do the alternative of researching a technology (you want to save those for later).
15) Complete productions in current / previous age production buildings.
16) Recruit 2 current age or 3 previous age units, for example through GE/GBG/PVP, or military/special building. Negotiate any sector, this could be from any province, for example a lower age province if you saved some previousely.
17) Scout La Huega, the province above Sierra Torrido/Santa Nerea (#7 in scout order image). Aid 40 buildings.
18) Fight/Nego all sectors of La Huega.
19) Scout Jamenez, the province above La Huega (#8 in scout order image). Recruit 6 current age or 8 previous age units, for example through GE/GBG/PVP, or military/special building.
20) Fight/Nego 5 sectors of Jamenez.
21) Fight/Nego all sectors of Jamenez.
22) Scout Falsa Cruz, the province above Jamenez (#9 in scout order image).
23) Fight/Nego 2 sectors of Falsa Cruz.
24) Fight/Nego 4 sectors of Falsa Cruz.
25) Fight/Nego 6 sectors of Falsa Cruz, and infiltrate any 3 sectors. This could be Falsa Cruz sectors, or any sectors from lower age maps if you saved any.
26) Aid 80 players. .
27) Delete 1 current age or 3 previous age units.
28) Pay the resources.
29) Sell any 3 current age or 5 previous age buildings and build 4 current age buildings. For example, build 4 current age decorations, then sell them (which will complete both parts).
30) Gain 5k happiness, for example by placing / selling decorations (Memorial is a good option).
31) Spend FPs.
32) Fight/Nego all sectors of Falsa Cruz, and scout Desierto de la Muerte, the province to the left of Falsa Cruz (#10 in scout order image). You finally have your Stealth Tanks! Honestly, I found them a bit underwhelming. I did of course end up using them quite a bit, but I actually liked fighting with Combat Drones better. They might seem like Hovers, but due to their attack range and lower defensive strength the Stealth Tanks are definitely a few steps below. Still, good to have and you'll definitely use them!
33) Fight/Nego 2 sectors of Desierto de la Muerte.
34) Fight/Nego 4 sectors of Desierto de la Muerte.
35) Fight/Nego all sectors of Desierto de la Muerte.
36) Complete productions in current / previous age production buildings.
37) Acquire "all" TE provinces. This doesn't actually include the final province, Sao Malvado (#10 in scout order image), but it does include the two provinces we left at the start of the map. Still, I would recommend scouting and taking Sao Malvado first, before looping back to the 2 provinces in the beginning of the map. You'll start the next quest the same time regardless, so might as well grab the Expansion as quickly as possible :)
38) If you follow my recommended path, you will get this after completing the entire TE map, after scouting and acquiring both Itabarai (#11 in scout order image) and Villabaja (#12 in scout order image).
39) Research any technology. Doesn't matter which or which type.
40) Gather 300k Coins.
41) If you follow my recommended path, this will be auto-completed. If not, either infiltrate 6 sectors or fight/nego all sectors of Sao Malvado.
42) If you haven't already, fight/nego all sectors of Sao Malvado. Buy 4 FPs.
43) Gather goods and spend FPs, for some nice Diamonds!
44) And here we are, having completed all the TE Story Quests!
Thank you very much for reading, and good luck on your own adventure! Check out my next guide on getting FE units in INA here: (coming soon)